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Quite a shocking switch of the topics. I feel a bit like a person from the polish anti-lgbt propaganda. For those who don't know, one of the ways polish conservative activists are trying to save the world is a car driving around the city with explicit, disturbing photos and absurd slogans. Something in the line of “Gays are perverting children and teaching them sexual practices at a young age” (of course way more graphic, so everyone will turn to the side of love and acceptance…without gays and other freaks). But not only gays get all that attention: there is a bonus car for abortions. Maybe you'll get lucky and one day you’ll see a car like that driving around your city and shouting obscene things about you. In order to follow proper gay traditions, I’ll talk about children immediately after the exhibitionism. Maybe it’s just a coincidence, maybe those topics are correlated… Who knows? “From a young age, I liked children” On the first class of pedagogy, our professor asked us ...

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